Code of Practice (Research Postgraduate Studies)
Cover Page | |
Preface | |
Contents | |
1. Roles of Stakeholders | |
(i) Stakeholders | |
(ii) Interaction between the student and the supervisor | |
(iii) Graduate Panel | |
2. Basic Information on Programmes and Courses | |
2.1 Postgraduate Research Programmes | |
2.2 Types of Research Postgraduate Programmes | |
2.3 Graduate Attributes of Research Postgraduate Programmes | |
2.4 Modes of Study | |
2.5 Courses | |
2.6 Course Code and Sequence | |
3. Admissions | |
3.1 Admission Process | |
3.2 Entrance Requirements | |
3.2.1 Minimum Requirements for Admission | |
3.2.2 Additional Requirements | |
3.2.3 Meeting the Entrance Requirements is No Guarantee of Admission | |
3.3 Monitoring of Entrance Quality | |
3.4 Re-instatement and Re-admission | |
4. Registration/Residence Requirements/Leaves | |
4.1 Orientation | |
4.2 Student Registration | |
4.3 Course selection / Withdrawal / Additions | |
4.4 Residence Requirements | |
4.5 Normative and Maximum Study Periods | |
4.6 Shortening of Normative Study Period | |
4.7 Programme Change | |
4.8 Leave of Absence and Tuition Fee Transfer | |
4.9 Student Visa | |
4.10 Employment | |
5. Progress towards Graduation | |
5.1 Graduation Requirements | |
5.2 Course Requirements | |
5.3 Postgraduate Students Taking Undergraduate Courses and Undergraduate Students Taking Postgraduate Courses | |
5.4 Research Thesis and Oral Defense | |
5.5 Candidature for Doctoral Degree | |
5.6 Candidacy Examination for the Ph.D. Degree | |
5.7 Improving Postgraduate Learning (IPL) | |
5.8 Minimum Cumulative GPA | |
5.9 Other Requirements | |
5.10 Course and Unit Exemptions | |
5.11 Research Progress Report | |
5.12 School/Unit Duties and Teaching Assistant | |
5.13 Language Policy | |
6. Assessment and Examination for Taught Courses of RPG Programmes | |
6.1 Assessment of Academic Performance | |
6.2 Course Grades | |
6.3 Examination Administration | |
6.4 Unsatisfactory Performance | |
7. Thesis | |
7.1 Preparation for Research and Thesis Writing; Language of Thesis | |
7.2 Research Ethics | |
7.3 Procedures | |
7.4 Thesis Proposal and Its Defence | |
7.5 Declaration of Intention to Submit Thesis | |
7.6 Submission of Thesis | |
7.7 Thesis Assessment Committee | |
7.8 Oral Defence | |
7.9 Assessment Result of Thesis and Follow-up Actions on Different Final Grades | |
7.10 Re-submission | |
7.11 Deferment of Submission of Thesis | |
7.12 Submission of Final Version of Thesis | |
7.13 Copyright of RPg thesis | |
8. Quality Assurance | |
8.1 External Reviewers | |
8.2 Eligibility Requirements of a Supervisor | |
8.3 Visiting Committee (VC) | |
8.4 Internal Programme Reviews (IPR) of Taught Postgraduate Programmes | |
9. Supervisors | |
9.1 Assignment of Supervisors | |
9.2 Eligibility Requirements for Supervisors | |
9.3 Eligibility for Co-supervisors | |
10. Award of Degree | |
10.1 Recommendation for Award of Degree | |
10.2 Degree Certificate | |
11. Services and Support for students(To be developed) | |
12. Financial Assistance and Fees | |
12.1 For financial aid, Fellowships, Scholarships, please contact relevant programme. | |
12.2 General Guidelines about Fees | |
13. Academic Honesty and Disciplinary Action | |
13.1 Academic Honesty | |
13.2 Disciplinary Action | |
14. Appeals and Complaints | |
15. Course Evaluation and Feedback | |
15.1 Course and Teaching Evaluation Questionnaire | |
15.2 Feedback via Progress Report for RPg Studies | |
15.3 Exit survey (Survey on Research Postgraduate Programmes) | |
16. Credentials | |
16.1 Academic Results | |
16.2 Transcripts | |
16.3 Letter of Certification | |
16.4 Report on Curriculum Details | |
16.5 Degree Certificate | |
16.6 Replacement of Degree Certificate | |
16.7 Certified True Copy of the Graduation Certificate | |
17. Transitional Arrangements | |